FEAST (Food systems that support transitions to hEalthy And Sustainable dieTs)
FEAST aims to support the EU's just transition to healthy diets produced by sustainable food systems. Using a Multi-Actor Approach (MAA), FEAST will leverage current best practice and co-design novel solutions with EU food system stakeholders, including diverse vulnerable groups, to identify how they can be supported and empowered to facilitate and benefit from the transition to healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour at all levels and in all sectors of the food system. FEAST's objectives are:
- To better understand, describe and measure barriers and facilitators that influence the dietary behaviour of different groups (particularly vulnerable groups), accounting for geographical, socio-economic, behavioural, gender and cultural differences
- To collaborate with key stakeholders in Europe’s food systems to identify and/or design and test innovative and effective tools, programmes and strategies, including social innovations, that will enable consumers to make informed food choices that promote the self-management of healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours and lifestyles
- To empower individuals to adopt healthier and more sustainable dietary behaviours, choices and lifestyles by means of evidence-based strategies and tools addressing all food system actors at the level of Member States, EU and wider international community
- To increase the adoption of food and health policy interventions that aim to drive the transition to healthier and more sustainable diets by all stakeholders within the food system by designing and testing scientifically-informed communication strategies, and associated monitoring approaches, that could be used by policymakers
All stakeholders will be invited to our FEAST project and we will not accept that anyone is left behind or is left hungry and wanting because we do not believe in zero-sum games - we adhere to the principle that all must ‘Win’.
os4os is leading the work package Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) in FEAST. The DEC activities will be a core facilitator of FEAST’s Pathways to Impact.
Implementation of open practices is guaranteed through the FEAST consortium, which includes members who already actively adhere to and apply these principles. The use of open practices underlines the commitment of FEAST’s Multi-Actor Approach. FEASTs open science strategy is coordinated by os4os. All partners will be trained by os4os on the latest open science practices and tools (i.e., latest standards and services created/validated by the European Open Science Cloud).
The FEAST team will ensure: i) project outputs have wide outreach and ii) FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable) are adhered to for communication and dissemination activities.