Water monitoring with IoT sensors for climate adaptation
The warming of the atmosphere has numerous effects on our waters. People are experiencing these changes in the water cycle through heavy rainfall, increased evaporation and more extreme weather events. This leads to more frequent and more intense floods and longer periods of drought, which can affect both water availability and quality. It is therefore crucial to establish early warning systems in (environmental) and climate protection. By monitoring water bodies, incipient changes can be detected at an early stage and suitable countermeasures can be taken.
As part of the research project ParKli - Participatory Climate Research (www.parkli.de), a water sensor was developed to visualize changes in bodies of water. In addition to the water temperature, this sensor also measures the pH value and electrical conductivity. This enables long-term monitoring of bodies of water.
Based on this experience, we would like to take a further step with “ParKli-Make” and work more intensively with school classes.
The project is therefore primarily aimed at young people in secondary schools in grades 9/10, including middle schools, comprehensive high schools, college preparatory schools, and technical high schools. The teaching content is tailored to the respective curriculum and can be carried out as part of the subject NWT, electrical engineering and information technology, scientific experimentation, etc. We want to show young people that technology can be fun.
At ParKli-Make, they not only learn theoretical knowledge, but can also put it into practice with their own hands. In the sensor construction activities, they learn how to produce simple and inexpensive devices for measuring environmental and climate data. These sensors can then be used to monitor and analyse local water bodies and make a valuable contribution to climate protection. By participating in an appropriate framework, schools can contribute solutions to the major social challenges and help shape developments. Pupils experience the meaning of their participation.
Would you like to take part?
- We are looking for interested schools in Baden-Württemberg to work with us!
- Project flyer for download
- Apply by answering a few questions. Click here to fill out the survey.
Annette Kunz-Engesser
open science for open societies – os4os GmbH
annette [at] os4os.org
Reiner Braun
open science for open societies – os4os GmbH
reiner [at] os4os.org
Further information on the sensor buoy and ParKli:
- https://www.parkli.de/schulen
- https://www.parkli.de/sensorik-iot
- https://www.lebensraumwasser.com/parkli-klimaforschung-in-gewaessern-forscher-entwickelnwassersensoren-fuer-buergerforscher/
- ParKli - A Citizen Science Project (youtube.com)
- ParKli Hackathon – Hack den Klimawandel (youtube.com)
- ParKli Sensorboje misst Wasserqualität auf dem Eggenstein See (youtube.com)
Duration: 15.02.2024 - 14.08.2026