What is citizen science?
"Citizen Science involves the active participation of citizens in different phases of the research process (...). Participation ranges from the generation of questions, the development of a research project, data collection and scientific evaluation to the communication of research results." (Bonn et al., 2016)
What does ParKli stand for?
ParKli is an acronym and stands for "Partizipative Klimaforschung" or in English "Participative Climate Research". In this context, participatory means that we as scientists in ParKli work together with volunteers who want to participate in our project. Together, we investigate the consequences of climate change on local nature and habitats and develop ideas on how early warning systems can help to identify the consequences of climate change at an early stage.
Who can participate?
Anyone who is aware of the consequences of climate change and wants to do something about it. Citizen scientists and all those who want to become one (school children, students, parents, seniors, volunteers, local associations, institutions, ...).
How can I participate?
We offer volunteers various opportunities to get involved as part of ParKli. Depending on your area of interest and time availability, you can decide which role interests you the most (see overview of participation roles). We also offer regular ParKli events where you can interact with us as well as other volunteers. If you would like to participate as a group (e.g. club, school class, or similar), simply contact us and together we will develop a suitable ParKli participation format for you (parkli [at] os4os.eu).
What is the aim of ParKli?
The objective of the ParKli research project is to make the consequences of climate change on local natural and living spaces tangible through Citizen Science activities and to (further) develop local climate impact early warning systems together with citizens. The early warning systems should show the effects of climate change on local nature and habitats at an early stage and thus support the initiation of suitable adaptation measures.
What is the challenge?
We are increasingly feeling the effects of climate change on our own doorstep: extreme weather events such as persistent heat and drought periods, heavy rainfall events, forest dieback or tilting lakes. Alone we can do very little against these events, but together we want to collect environmental data, use technologies, create knowledge and develop ideas on possible early warning systems and adaptation strategies.
What is the central research question?
The central research question is: How can existing applications and data sources from environmental informatics be integrated to develop local climate change adaptation measures together with citizens?
What are environmental data? Which ones are collected in ParKli?
Environmental data includes, for example, data on the condition of air, atmosphere, water, soil, landscape and natural habitats. In addition, it also includes data on emissions, such as radiation or noise, the occurrence of species or biodiversity, or climatic conditions. In ParKli, data is collected on biodiversity, soil, urban and water in the Stuttgart region.
Where should environmental data be collected?
In the Stuttgart region. This includes the state capital of Stuttgart and the surrounding five counties of Böblingen, Ludwigsburg, Esslingen, Göppingen, and the Rems-Murr district. Due to the location of the project, the initial focus is on the districts of Böblingen, Ludwigsburg and the state capital Stuttgart. Data will be collected on the condition of natural areas and habitats, e.g. on the condition of water bodies, forests, soils, and animal and plant species as well as parks or residential areas in cities and communities. In subprojects of ParKli, the project team defines together with volunteers which measurements are to be carried out where exactly.
How can I take measurements and collect environmental data?
This differs somewhat in the ParKli subprojects: for example, different measurements are naturally taken in the area of water data than in the determination of soil quality or the recording of species in the context of a biodiversity subproject. In general, however, environmental data in ParKli are collected using sensors as well as digital applications. In the area of water monitoring, for example, we are planning measurements with the "EyeOnWater" app, which will provide information about the water quality of bodies of water via color and turbidity. In addition, we will also collect data and record observations in ParKli using classic survey formats (such as questionnaires and interviews).